Treated Fresh Air Unit (TFA) in HVAC systems are designed to supply outdoor air to a building while simultaneously conditioning and filtering it to maintain indoor air quality (IAQ). The system consists of several components that work together to supply clean and comfortable air to the building occupants.
Here are some of the key components of a TFA HVAC system:
- Outdoor air intake.
- Filter.
- Heating and cooling coils.
- Humidifier and dehumidifier.
- Heat recovery ventilator (HRV).
- Ductwork.
TFA Unit Applications
- Hospitals and healthcare facilities.
- Laboratories and clean rooms.
- Schools and universities.
- Commercial office buildings.
- Manufacturing facilities.
- Data centers.
Standards and Certifications
- ASHRAE/ISHRAE standard
- ANSI/ASHRAE/IES standard 202
Also check out Compact, High Efficiency Air Handling Unit (AHU).